
The Labyrinth of 1900s is a project of chromatic reinterpretation of the reception room of a large apartment within an early 1900s building, as well as the renovation of its service area, by transforming the office and the kitchen into a large eat-in kitchen. The characteristics of the house gave rise to the idea of creating a floor that would take up the typical hexagonal tiles of the time and rethink them in a more contemporary key, in large sizes, with more nuances of color and arrangement not geometric but casual.
The kitchen furniture has taken up the colors of the tiles and has been embellished with brass handles designed and made to measure. To house a beautiful collection of glass glasses, also from the early 1900s, backlit display cases were created to create a backdrop for the cooking island.

Year: 2018
Client: Private
Team: Arch. Michela Lageard
